We are currently at 10 business TAT. Much like fingerprints and snowflakes all bleached and dyed items will have variations in finished product.
Sharks Hockey Hoodie
Sharks bleached number sleeves sweatshirt
Custom luggage / bag tag
Jaguars bleached sweatshirt
Seckman Hockey playoffs HOODIE
Sharks Hockey light blue dyed sweatshirt
St. Peters sleeve bleached blue sweatshirt
Retro AAA Blues grey sweatshirt
Retro eagles grey sweatshirt
Retro Sharks grey sweatshirt
Hockey family keychain
Storm T Shirt
Jolliest bunch of hockey moms ASH GREY Sweatshirt
Sharks snapback hat
Retro hodge hawks grey sweatshirt
Ice hawks retro ash grey sweatshirt
Retro Affton grey sweatshirt
Retro stl hockey grey sweatshirt
St. Peters sleeve grey dyed sweatshirt
Retro Seckman Jaguars grey sweatshirt
Retro st. Louis sting grey sweatshirt
Eagles Hockey tan dyed sweatshirt
Sharks 4 in 1 coozie
Sharks Collectively consistently terrible grey sweatshirt